Tuesday, August 31, 2010

MODEL-IT. tadao ando church of light (revised)

For the Church of Light model, I wanted to open up the model in a different way, as everyone seemed to be taking their roof off. I thought about opening the wall opposite the cross so that you could look directly into the cross. However, that opening was pretty small and wouldnt be very convenient to look into. Consequently, I decided to open a big wall.
I took photos in the sun as natural lighting is what this building is all about.

Monday, August 30, 2010

MODEL-IT. church of light tadao ando.

MODEL-IT. in class project 1

This exercise was an eye-opener as it had to be done in such little time. I, personally struggled( ive established im not a very good model maker...something to work on!). We had half an hour each to complete a single house, another to complete another house, and a third half an hour to cut into the two houses and combine them. Looking around the class, there were much better ones than mine!

rendering final project.

My rendering technique for my final project consisted of pen and coloured pencils.I used lineweights of predominantly 0.1, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8 to accentuate what i wanted to highlight about the drawings and to show what was in section clearly.
I chose to use coloured pencils after experimenting with watercolour and pastels as well, as i felt i was most familiar with coloured pencils, and hence, could use it more effectively.



This lesson we were instructed to experiment with different rendering techniques to see which one we were most comfortable with using and what we believed would look the most effective. The three techniques that came to mind first were watercolour, coloured pencils and pastels. Which one should i use?